Dracula Unleashed

Subject: About this UHS File

How is this file arranged?
Whenever there are specific puzzles with obvious questions and answers, I
will list these in the hints as is standard in a UHS file.  Some problems
and necessary actions do not fit within the usual question/answer format,
and these will be listed in more general questions along the lines of "Where
should I go today?"  If you see specific hints that fit your problem, you
should read these before you read the general questions.  The general
questions are intended to be used only as a last resort, since their answers
are much more direct.  Also note that the general questions give a bare
minimum of places to visit -- you'll see far more of the game if you explore
on your own.

Subject: Day 1

Subject: Day 2

Subject: Day 3

Subject: Day 4

Subject: Finding Places